The building’s HVAC ductwork is equipped with a state-of-the-art PlasmaPURE electronic air cleaner which provides safe & continuous air purification to the entire building using patented needlepoint bipolar ionization.
This technology treats supply, return, and exhaust air… but perhaps most importantly, air IN the occupied space, making it a superior solution to traditional “pass-through” or “filtered” approaches.
The Main Studio is also outfitted with a fresh-air-make-up which actively cycles new, filtered, fresh air throughout the space.
The natural flexibility of cork translates to comfort in movement.
It softens impact & reduces tension, making cork especially suited to support the human body.
Cork has excellent thermal & acoustical qualities, is warm to the touch (cozy on bare feet!) hypoallergenic, sustainable and renewable.
Cork floors improve the energy efficiency AND air quality in a space.