Using specific repeated actions, the support of props, and deep care & listening to the body, we will progressively build toward the backbend Wheel Pose (Urdhva Danurasana)
Whether this shape feels impossibly out of reach or is a regular go-to pose for you, this class will shed light on the key actions and alignment of this pose to help you achieve it gracefully, and without feeling pain or compression in your low back.
This is an ideal class for students of yoga who want to better understand this pose, and teachers of yoga curious about the building blocks of this shape and how to incorporate it into their classes.
About Peach:
Peach Friedman, E-RYT 500, is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, and eating disorders educator.
She has been helping humans understand their relationship with their bodies through yoga and writing for over two decades.
Peach teaches yoga with the intention of developing self-intimacy, and believes in the power of retreat for the potential of renewal.