The postures that make up a Sun Salutation, or Suryanamaskar, are repeated frequently throughout a standard Vinyasa or Flow style class, and are often done quickly, with not more than a half breath per pose.
Because they are practiced often but seldom examined closely, they become a vulnerable area of practice.
This 75-minute class will serve as a support for all things Vinyasa. In particular, we will explore techniques for Chaturanga, Upward Facing Dog, and Downward Facing Dog.
The aim of this special practice is to increase your confidence with these postures, reduce pain and injury, and ultimately enjoy flow-style classes without sacrificing form.
Cost: $30 (FREE for Unlimited Members)
What is a Masterclass?
A master class is simply a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline.
About Peach:
Peach Friedman, E-RYT 500, is an internationally celebrated yoga teacher, author, and eating disorders educator.
She has been helping humans understand their relationship with their bodies through yoga and writing for over two decades.
Peach teaches yoga with the intention of developing self-intimacy, and believes in the power of retreat for the potential of renewal.